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Literally Green Office Trends

Noosha Hodges


June 30, 2020

Many office trends over the past several years have been shaped by companies trying to reduce their environmental impact. Sustainability has been one of the biggest ongoing trends in the office world for some time. Some offices are embracing something of an innovative and yet strangely traditional approach to sustainability, and this involves adding more office plants.

Office plants have been used decoratively for some time. However, today, the benefits of office plants and the challenges associated with them have all changed. Offices are now increasingly selecting plants that will reduce indoor air pollution more effectively. There has been a great deal of awareness in recent years about the toxins in most indoor spaces, especially spaces with a lot of furniture and tech products. When it comes to green plants, office trends about sustainability manage to harmonize well with office trends concerning employee health.

Of course, offices now need a lot of wall outlets and USB charging ports in order to support all of the technology that employees must now use. Some of the office plants might get in the way. The same areas that provide convenient locations for office plants are also great locations for USB charging ports. With some creative design and office organization, it is certainly possible to fill an office with natural beauty while allowing employees to have an equally technological workplace. It's a matter of understanding the importance of both of these elements and organizing offices in a new way.

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