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Make Sure Your "Ergonomic" Office Furniture Is Really Ergonomic

Noosha Hodges


June 30, 2020

Any office chair can say that it's ergonomic. But a label on the tag won't save your back or stop your ankles from swelling up. While many offices are starting to offer chair alternatives, such as standing desks or even walking desks, that doesn't mean the chairs themselves should be ignored.

Here are three ways to make sure your office's chairs are as ergonomic and healthy as possible:

1. Post Ergonomic Guides

The chair itself certainly has a large part to play in minimizing back problems. If the cushion is poor or the back encourages slouching, it's no good. But a large part of ergonomic effectiveness is in how the chair is readjusted. Make sure there are posters in the common area about how to readjust a seat to the right height, modify the armrests, and compare your sitting height to your monitor. The posters may look a bit silly, but most people don't learn how to properly adjust their chairs. The tips and constant reminder can help everyone get the most use out of their chair.

2. Research New Chair Options

Whether there is a dedicated employee in the office responsible for purchases and office management or department heads allocate new equipment, chairs need to be thoroughly researched. It's not enough to see the word "ergonomic" on the label. There need to be good reviews, user tips, and proof.

3. Encourage Your Employees to Use Accessories

Some people do need to prop their feet up a bit to fix circulation concerns. Even if your office doesn't have standing desks, have a selection of lifts and monitor platforms so everyone can raise their monitor to the appropriate height. Extra back cushions and supports are also common tools for encouraging correct posture.

If your employees suggest or request something, it's worth looking into.

Stay Ergonomic Throughout the Workday

Please contact us for more ways to keep your office ergonomic and comfortable throughout the workday!